Mystery Blogger Award

I am getting behind on the tags I am getting but I write them all in my notes so I don’t forget any and I will do them all soon. I was tagged to this award by the amazing Mayumi @ The Quotex, that was her first nomination and I am honored that she tagged me in it. Go check her blog out!

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– Put the award logo/image on your blog
– List the rules
– Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
– Mention the creator of the award; Okoto Enigma @ Okoto Enigma’s Blog
– Tell your readers 3 things about yourself and answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
– Nominate 10 – 20 people (or as many as you can, like 🙋🏻) and notify them on their blogs
– Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with one weird or funny question
– Share a link to your best post/s (if you want to)

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3 Things about me

I am not the biggest fan of this part but I will try to come up with something:

1- I remember in school when we were learning to introduce ourselves with some basic info, so I am basically gonna do that: I am Hamad, a 22 year old guy. I have 5 brothers and no sisters (yeah, I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). I can speak Arabic (Native), English (Fluent), French (Basics) and Hebrew (Only writing and reading).

2- I only started reading 2.5 years ago, I managed to read 230 books in this period and I am still going strong. I started reading as an escape from the medical school. BTW, I have one more year in this school and then I am officially a doctor!

3- I believe in Clairvoyance and other supernatural things…

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Mayumi’s Questions

1. Who would you say your favourite character is and why? (not limited to book characters)

I am going to keep this book related and say probably Hermione Granger and Nina (from Six of crows). They just have everything I like in a person, and Hermione was always my soul mate. I used to tell myself whenever I have a hard exam that Hermione can do this and so do I.

2. Chocolate or cheese?


3. What is one song/artist you’ve been obsessed with recently?

This is funny, Charlie Puth and Shawn Mendes. I keep jumping between different artists so don’t judge me!

4. Name an author whose work is an auto-buy for you.

Easy, Leigh Bardugo -The Queen-

5. If you could have any superpower what would you choose?

I always discuss this with one of my brothers and if it was me alone with superpowers in the world, I would choose Reading minds and Psychic things. If everyone had superpowers I would choose Taking control of other people. Creepy, I know!

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My Questions

1.What is your favorite book of all time? (or some of your favorite books if there are many)?

2. White vs Dark Chocolate?

3. Favorite Animal?

4. What is your dream job, why?

5. What is your most unpopular book opinion -if there are any-?

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I checked my friends blogs and they all have done this, so you are tagged if you are reading this. (I will edit this later when I find someone new I can tag)


  1. 230 books is pretty impressive for only 2.5 years! And you’re so close to being a doctor! That must be so exciting! Also, Leigh Bardugo is the absolute queen, any book she writes, I will buy, no questions asked. I can’t wait for King of Scars next year, and her new series, Alex Stern coming out next year too


  2. Thanks Angelica 😀
    I have been trying to read as much as possible to compensate for the previous years, lol!
    I have all her books in Paperbacks and I will buy all her other books, I am excited too for those releases ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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