Mini reviews #4 + My new logo

Today I have 2 short reviews for a short story and a non fiction book: Evidence of the affair and What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions!

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Evidence of the Affair
I always face the same problem while reading short stories, that’s why I no longer read Anthologies. Those short stories are always fast paced (I like) but that leaves no place for character development and my connection to them.

If you are in the mood to a short contemporary, then this is a good one, it may even be very good if you are not going to be so critical! I just expected a little bit more from the author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, one of the most realistic stories ever!

Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1

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What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

What if is a non-fiction book that -as the name implies- gives answer to some absurd hypothetical questions. The book was fun to read until at some points it wasn’t. The author is apparently a genius, I don’t know how can he think in that way. And the dedication and time that he puts to answer these questions is amazing.

I imagine the author as that student who used to sit at the front seat and answer all the questions enthusiastically. I will leave this video to make you understand what I mean.


My problem was that not all the questions were simple and even if they were or if he answered them simply, he would go and make it more and more complicated until I lost interest. Still an entertaining book, specially for the science nerds!

Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1

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And finally, I have asked Vinny to help me in making a new logo and she did a great job at that! And here is my new logo:


What do you think, do you like it?
I will be using it more from now on, thanks again Vinny!
Till next time
Happy reading everyone 🙂



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