ARC Review: Evermore

Evermore ast
Ebook, 368 pages
Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic
By: Sara Holland

“The only way to kill pure evil is with pure love”

🌟 I wasn’t sure if I was going to continue this series or not, but while I was doing my Edelweiss guide post, I wanted to give an example and thus requested this book. I was approved in literally 10 mins! So I decided to read it after all and I am glad I did!

🌟 Now many readers loved book 1 and some didn’t (I though it was like half good, half bad) because it kept being compared to the movie “In Time”. I saw many similarities in book 1 but here is where things start to get interesting, this book was more creative with better world building, better characters and twists. I felt it stands out by its own without depending on that movie or anything.

🌟 This had a more fantasy atmosphere than the Sci-fi-ish genre in book 1. I liked the improvements to the magic system and the involved mythology was better too.

🌟 The characters were good, and the plot was more interesting, I slept a few times while reading book 1 but not this one and I thought this had a perfect ending too!

🌟 I don’t know if the writing improved or if I wasn’t just in the mood while reading book 1 because I think it is pretty much decent in this one. There were a few quotes that made me go “Huh??!” (see an example below). But overall it was good.

It’s like—she gestures, searching for the word—“cutting the sky into pieces. No one knows how that magic might change you.”

🌟 Summary and Prescription: I think that this book was better in all elements of the story than book 1 and it felt more original than that one too. If you still want to give the story a chance or if you liked book 1 then I can recommend this! I ended up giving it 3.5 out of 5 stars!

Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1Glowing Star on Facebook 2.2.1half star ast



  1. I’m glad to see that you found this one more satisfying than the first! I was a bit underwhelmed by Everless (3 star read for me), but I might be interested enough to still read this, if it’s better than the first one! Great review! ❤️

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