A Court of Thorn & Roses Review

Image result for a court of thorn and roses

Paperback, 419 Pages
Fantasy/ Romance/ NA
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟 3/4
By: Sarah J Maas

β€œDon’t feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy.”

🌟 The above quote actually sums my feeling for this book! It may be cheesy. some things could have been definitely better but let me tell you something! It was addicting, I enjoyed it very much and I regret nothing! If you are going to judge me for reading it then feel free to do so. After removing many sources of book stress in my life, I have been enjoying books a lot more and that makes me very happy.

🌟 Now it is no secret that SJM is such a controversial writer, and it looks like people have either a hate or love relationship with her style with not much people in between. I lean more toward the I love her writing but I also did not enjoy a few of her books so I am going to be honest as usual.

β€œYou didn’t tell me this would happen.”
“You didn’t ask. So how am I to blame?”

🌟 The writing is good, there is something magical about Sarah’s writing that makes me want to devour page after page and I actually finished this whole book in 2 days and I have not been invested in a book this much for a while now! There are points were the writing gets very cheesy and I rolled my eyes a few times but for the most part, I like her prose and I find it easy to read.

🌟 There is a bad side and a good side character wise and I am going to start with the good part, Sarah’s characters are so 3D and realistic in my mind! I can imagine how they look, I can feel what they feel and I can relate to them. Sarah also writes some of the best couples I read, in her ToG series she did a fantastic job with that and I think she’s doing it again here! The bad thing is that Sarah’s female protagonist seems to be flawless. They are beautiful, smart and every male in the book wants them! The males are not much different and they all are sexy and muscled and strong and are kind of territorial!

β€œI stepped out of the shelter of my savior’s arm and turned to thank him. Standing before me was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.”

🌟 The world building was enjoyable, I like how Sarah introduces her characters and world slowly so that it is not confusing! The map surely helps but even without it, I find the way she does explore the world through mythology and dialogue to be very smooth!

🌟 The book was fast paced for the most part, the plot is kind of different between the first half and the second, as a start of a series, I think this one is better than ToG. The book is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast which I love and the author did that in her own way. I could see the retelling elements but also I can see how she did not rely on them very much and added her own touch to the story. Since it is a SJM, You can’t expect to finish it without some cheesy love quotes, some explicit scenes and the word “Mate” floating around.

β€œBe glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all.”

🌟 Summary and Prescription: This book made me feel things, It was enjoyable. It has a mix of fantasy and romance in it. The story can also work as a standalone but there are a loose ends left to tie and so I understand why is it a series. I am going to continue book 2 for sure and I understand why people are crazy about this series now! One last question: people either seems to hate or love the covers of the series, I like them but a few of my friends say they are very bad! What do you think of the series covers?


  1. You can’t expect to finish it without some cheesy love quotes, some explicit scenes and the word β€œMate” floating around.

    Hahahahaha I’m dying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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  2. I’ve been wanting to read this series for a long time. I read TOG but I was disappointed. This one seems more like my thing. I don’t mind cheesy as long as I can get behind the sheep. I even like it if there’s a lot of romance (although it shouldn’t overshadow the story). Great review! 😁

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